Todays Topic: the Sunrise.
A couple of thoughts. First, I am realizing some things about this blog as it is developing:
1. There is no way that I can do this every night of every week. Ergo, I will be taking Sundays off (at least at first) Whenever possible, like today, Saturday's post will have 20, thats right, twenty pictures instead of ten. That should make up for tomorrow. If you are accustomed to getting 10 new pictures everyday than only look at ten today, and tomorrow the other ten will be there!!
2. These topics are going to start getting more specific (I think) Yesterday as I was looking at all the amazing beach shots, I realized I needed to do a sunset/sunrise topic. Today I realized that I could do just sunrises (thus the topic). While I was picking todays pics, I realized even further that I could get more specific (beach sunrises, snow sunrises, etc) Anyway, we will see how that develops!
3. I need your help. Actually I have known this from the beginning. I need you to suggest categories, send me pictures that you like (email me the link would be best so that I can find it), and give me some recomendations of what would make this better, more fun, whatever. So send me your thoughts. For those of you that have expressed appreciation, thank you. Even more thanks to guys like Ricardo (Sr.) who mentioned that he "saw this picture on" with a link to this blog!!! THANK YOU!! This is a great help!
4. I have changed the link format a little bit. Where the name of the artist is mentioned; as in: by toptenpicturesblog I now place a link to their photostream. Clicking on the picture will still take you to that individual picture in their stream. Thanks
More realizations to come.
On to the pictures. Something that I would like to mention. Actually someone. This guy deserves a standing ovation. When you get to his photo "Sunrise 070428" take a little extra time to look at his profile. (hint, I put his picture first). Unless I am severely mistaken, taduque wakes up every morning (or almost every morning) to take pictures of the sunrise. He has three years of sunrise pictures posted, and they are all good. My hat is off to you sir and we are all incredibly grateful to you for your sacrifice. Way to go!
Here they are, for your viewing pleasure, the Top 20 pictures of sunrises.
Sunrise 070428
by taduque
by a.mercurio
Golden Dreams 3
by marylea
by s_h_a_w_n_g_13
Colored Clouds
by Miharbi
by NetDep
Dream Tree #10
by danr_co
palmyra dawn
by mrtoes
Silhouette & Sunrise
by dogwoodtree
Sunrise from our Balcony
by Ted Jones
Tidal Basin
by timkelley
Mount Kinabalu
by kasper1s
April 28th sunrise 2
by R Hammitt's Howard County Scenes
Nubes de fuego (Fire Clouds I think... anyone?)
by Felipe Guerra
Sunrise - شروق الشمس
by 【Qatari】™
Smoke on the Water...
by so little time...
Mirror rorriM
by Damgaard
Sun Beat Down
by Thomas Hawk
The colors of the sky, throughout the day and at sunrise and sunset, are explained by the phenomena of both Rayleigh Scattering and Mie Scattering. The red hues of the sky at sunset and sunrise are caused by Mie Scattering, not Rayleigh Scattering. The hues of blue, violet, and green in the sky are due to Rayleigh Scattering. Rayleigh Scattering is scattering of shorter wavelength light, (e.g. blue & violet), by air atoms and molecules, (not statistical variations in density of the Earth's atmosphere). The magnitude or strength of Rayleigh Scattering varies by the reciprocal of the wavelength raised to the fourth power, and hence, does not explain the beautiful variations of reds, purples, oranges, and peachy colors. The latter colors arise from Mie Scattering, low angle scattering of light off of dust, soot, smoke, and ash particles. Mie Scattering, (producing the colors of sunset and sunrise), is beautifully recognizable down-wind of and after dust storms, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions that inject large quantities of fine particulate matter into the atmosphere. A number of eruptions in recent times, such as those of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 and Krakatoa in 1883, have been sufficiently large to produce remarkable sunsets and sunrises all over the world. Sometimes just before sunrise or after sunset a green flash can be seen.
And finally, the "song of the day" was inpired by NetDep's picture and the comment of DecaBoy who said, "Hello darkness my old friend, heheBeautiful sky line" Which got "The Sound of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel playing over and over in my head (*followed by once on my ipod). And then I simply had to look up the words. So here they are in case you want to sing along to the music now playing in your head (*or ipod)
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