Thursday, May 5, 2011

Golden Moments

Via Flickr:
The time spent before and after making this image, was not very enjoyable.

1. I over-exposed parts of the bridge in my previous post, which was taken about 4 hours later than this.
2. A little over an hour ago, I was standing at Rodeo Beach, when a huge wave came out of nowhere. I am now walking about wearing soaking wet pants…And no change of clothes.

I still enjoyed the moments, watching this image unfold.

1. A variation of the view taken at Fort Baker, I wanted to include the wooden posts in the frame. I wish there were more; however I was pleased to see the small bird perched on the post, during the exposure.
2. A long 232 second exposure to smooth out the water and emphasize the golden tones in the reflection. Also, the long exposure highlights cloud movement above the bridge.
3. A jet plane, unwanted at first flies above the bridge during the exposure. However, I liked the way the plane arced around and disappeared into the clouds. The flashing plane and bridge lights helped to illuminate the clouds.

This bridge image was a lot closer to how I envisioned it.

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